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domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Ashley Greene y Joe Jonas de Cena por LA

Fuente: zimbio

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

Wearing matching wristbands, Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene head home after enjoying a romantic dinner for two in Los Angeles. Before he started dating Ashley, Joe was a wearer of the so-called Purity Ring - a vow not to have sex before marriage. Joe was not wearing his ring on his dinner out with the young actress. The

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