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martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Soundtrack de Alicia en el pais de las maravillas (Película en la que participa Michael Sheen

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El Soundtrack saldra a la venta en dia 2 de Marzo 3 dias antes del estreno de la película, aquí la lista de las canciones:

1. Alice Performed by Avril Lavigne
2. The Poison Performed by The All-American Rejects
3. The Technicolor Phase Performed by Owl City
4. Her Name Is Alice Performed by Shinedown
5. Painting Flowers Performed by All Time Low
6. Where's My Angel Performed by Metro Station
7. Strange Performed by Tokio Hotel and Kerli
8. Follow Me Down Performed by 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
9. Very Good Advice Performed by Robert Smith
10. In Transit Performed by Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz
11. Welcome to Mystery Performed by Plain White T's
12. Tea Party Performed by Kerli
13. The Lobster Quadrille Performed by Franz Ferdinand
14. Always Running Out of Time Performed by Motion City Soundtrack
15. Fell Down a Hole Performed by Wolfmother
16. White Rabbit Performed by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

Alice- de Avril Lavinge

#2 "The Poison" by All American Rejects

#3 "The Technicolor" by Owl City

#4 "Her Name is Alice" by Shinedown

#5 "Painting the Flowers" by All Time Low

#6 "Where's My Angel" by Metro Station

#7 "Strange" by Tokio Hotel

#8 "Follow Me Down" by 3OH!3

#9 "Very Good Advice" by Robert Smith

#10 "In Transit" by Mark Hoppus

#11 "Welcome to Mystery" by Plain White Ts

#12 "Tea Party" by Kerli

#13 "The Lobster Quadrille" by Franz Ferdinand

#14 "Always Running Out of Time" by Motion City Soundtrack

#15 "Fell Down a Hole" by Wolfmother

#16 "White Rabbit" by Grace Potter And The Nocturnals

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